Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Aeta Tribal Village- A Photographic Tour- Subic Bay- Luzon Island, Philippines; Photographs by Joseph S. Palmer

If there is one thing you should definitely not miss in Subic Bay Freeport, it is the nature tour at the Pamulaklakin Trail. I took the tour. Several days later I visited the Aeta Tribal Village.

The trail is situated along the road to the Binictican housing complex. It is a little obscure and there is a big chance you would miss it on your first pass if you are not paying attention. Once in, you might not find the compound distinct from any park or place.
What is special is the tour, or more appropriately the lesson that the Aeta guide will give you.
An extended family is seen here waiting for their morning ride to take  them to a market to sell their crafts .

A child waiting outside the complex to accompany her mother and extended family, who go daily  to a local super market  to sell their crafts.Wild honey is one of their special items.

When I began my trek toward the tribal village, I wondered what type of clothes would be worn there.

Today most Aeta who have been in contact with lowlanders have adopted the T-shirts, pants and rubber sandals .

Example of  a tree growing in the jungle.

Using an Aeta guide we walked almost two hours through the jungle and then on to red dirt road.
Along the trail where two boys collecting nuts to use to invent and play games.

The first dwelling seen on the trail was this thatched roof  house.

Children stop at a family store just to look and possibly day dream about something to eat.

Another dwelling along the trail.

A young girl takes a break from helping her family.

Then from no where cyclists peddled down the trail.
Cycling is a big sport in the Philippines.
I'm assuming that these cyclists were peddling through the village and not residents of the village.

In the Aeta village (pronounced eye-ta) electricity is available but not every family can afford it.  

It is mid morning and the sun is heating up the village..
Two boy are seen playing an electronic game.

In the evenings, one can hear karaoke music played for entertainment. Local beer is also sold.

Children in every culture invent games to play.
Here they are playing with a wooden pole.

Smaller children copy their older brothers and sisters.

The Aeta  village has a population of  400 with 200 dwellings.
A couple stand in the doorway proudly hold their twins. 

If seeing cyclists in the village was a surprise for me, I wondered what was happening here.
My guide did not follow me in into the open air building.
I introduced myself. the woman in the grey shirt .She returned my greeting describing herself  was a Avon Sales Representative.

A young woman waits outside her mother-in-law's store.

The mother-in-law greeted me and I ask her if I may take her photograph?

Brushing back her hair she offered a faint smile.

 I came across a church.
I asked the guide what religion he practiced. He said most of the residents are
As I walked along I wondered where the cemetery was located.

One means of transportation in and out of the village is  a pedicab.

Another mode of transportation is oxen.
The ox is a valuable beast used for  work. 

Here the ox is dragging  material to construct a dwelling.

One source of water in the village is a stream which flows down from distant mountains.

The village school offers education to children.

A woman with her infant on her back walks toward the village center.

My guide holding his child, wife to his right with their children.

A young girl outside of the Pamulaklakin entrance.

A young Aeta boy waits for a ride to take him and his family to a market where their crafts will be sold.

A mother also waits for her ride to the city market.

A traditional dressed tribal member wishes you well.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Whitten-Parritt Stream Clean Up: Stream of Consciousness

The Whitten Parritt Stream flows north to south across US Route 1.
At this point on route 1, the stream  forms a boundary line  between Hancock - Township 7- and Washington County
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As you drive East across the stream, the sign reads  Welcome to Washington County. the Sun Rise County.

A trail on the north side of of route 1, next to the concrete culvert, meanders down to a flowing stream. 
Until Wednesday or Thursday of this week, the embankment leading down to the stream was disgracefully cluttered with trash and tires. Friday morning however the tires and trash had been removed from the stream bank, cleaned up and stacked  on route 1 for pick up.  

Who removed the all this clutch? I don't know, but I hope to get a chance to meet them and acknowledge their good deeds. Seeing that the trash and tires were piled up, I drove a short distance not more than 200 yards and turned left into a drive way where a man was working in his garden. The gardener walked to my car window while black flies swirling around him. He wore a bug net over his hat pulled and down over his head disguising his face. Powering down the window, I  shook hands  with him as I introduced myself. He said his name is Ray Blaisdale. 

You know him as Pastor Ray Blaisdale who served as minister  at Weald Bethel of the Maine Sea Coast Mission in Chery Field. He now ministers in the Ashville Church.
My first question to him was do you know who cleaned up the bank leading down to the stream. Ray did not know. Are there fish in the stream I wondered out loud. "Of course" as he smiled."My  land abuts  the stream"," I have walked the trail many times", he admitted. As we talked a pheasant strutted across his drive way. A roadside mystery has developed. Who was this secret gorillas task force who cleaned up the trash and tires which had been haunting this beautiful stream for years? Whoever you are thank you for your community spirit and generous work. Did you find your  work gloves  left on the stump?

See: The Downeast Coastal Press  Vol 23 No. 45 May 17-23 2011 page 10;
Stream of Consciousness: Who Cleaned the Trash from the Whitten Parritt Stream?
Joseph S. Palmer Freelance Contributor

Other Pictures contributed to
The Downeast Coastal Press

as see in May 17-23 issue
by Joseph S. Palmer

Kids spent the morning with their moms looking for periwinkles, rock hopping, and wading at the shore by the Pinkham boat ramp  while the tide ebbed. Here and there were fragments of peanut butter sandwiches and cookies scattered on the beach. A family dog laid on rock weed and noticed all the happenings.Back row, It was a kick back time at the beach. See in this picture is Heather Peters wearing the Roots Tee Shirt, Clarissa West, and her mom Claire West. Resting on the tricycle is Mackenley Peters nearly two years old, and his brother Mackaylon Levi . Cailin Chase wears  a tee shirt "Mom's Little Trouble Maker". Both families frequent the beach on good sunny days and live  in Steuben.

A fishermen is seen casting his net on the Hoi An River, Hoi An, Vietnam as his wife guides the 16 foot boat with a sculling motion at the stern. All the boats  on the Hoi An River have two eyes painted on either side of the bow. The eyes have the power to scare away sea monsters and hopefully chase good fish into the boat. On any good weather day small boats like this one can be seen plowing the waters of the river. Following their daily catch fishermen gather on the following day at dawn to sell their fish at the Hoi An river  market.  This boat was made by local craftsmen with basic hand tools  on an island in the Hoi An River.
Joseph S. Palmer recently visited Vietnam